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Multinational Divisions

Multinational Division Northeast in Elblag (Poland) and Multinational Division North (Latvia) coordinate the activities of the enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups in peacetime and, if need be, they will carry out collective defence operations.

Multinational Division Northeast

On December 6, 2018, Headquarters Multinational Division North East (HQ MND-NE) confirmed its 24/7 readiness to operate within the scope of collective defence in accordance with Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. It is also fully prepared to take responsibility for coordinating the eFP Battle Groups’ activities in peacetime.

The eFP troops have been integrated into their host nations’ brigades and are intended to function under the newly certified Division Headquarters. From there, the chain of command leads up to Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast as the highest body of the NATO Force Structure in the region. HQ MND-NE rests upon the major contribution of Poland as its framework nation. In total, there are 280 positions within the unit structure. 75 of them are manned by multinational personnel representing 14 NATO states. Now certified, the Division enhances its superior Headquarters’ capabilities.

Inauguration of MND NE, Elbląg, Poland, July 3, 2017. Photo by Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Poland 
HQ MND NE. Elbląg, Poland. Photo by Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Poland

Multinational Division North

Headquarters Multinational Division North (HQ MND-N) is a distributed headquarters in Latvia and Denmark. 

The headquarters was established on 8 March 2019 to demonstrate NATO’s will and ability to deter or defend the Baltic Sea Region against a Russian aggression. MND N was declared Full Operational Capability on 7 July 2023. 

The framework nations is Latvia and Denmark, with participating nations to include Canada, Estonia, France, Germany Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The primary tasks of MND N are:

  • Maintain and disseminate situational awareness;
  • Plan and command military operations in its area of operation;
  • Command assigned forces;
  • Conduct training;
  • Execute other tasks issued by appropriate military authorities.

HQ MND N is a high readiness, standing headquarters under operational command of Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and employed in peacetime crisis and conflict by NATO.

MND N is under Multinational Corps North East command which is a regionally aligned NATO response Corps and is an integral part of the NATO Force Structure.

MND N CoC Ceremony 17 AUG 2023
MND N CoC Ceremony 17 AUG 2023

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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