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Jul 9 2021

Chief Warrant Officer Michael H.: My main effort will continue to be the development of a professional Non-Commissioned Officer Corps

Chief Warrant Officer (OR-9) Michael Hamilton of the Canadian Army, Command Senior Enlisted Leader Multinational Corps Northeast

This is me

I will be completing thirty eight years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces this July. I began my service at the age of seventeen while still in secondary school, with the Reserve Force, and shortly after graduating, enrolled in the Regular Force as an Infanteer, and remained in the Infantry throughout my career serving with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.  I have deployed many times over my career, to places as varied as Cyprus, Croatia, Bosnia, Afghanistan and now in the Baltic Sea Region. This mission will be my last in uniform, and represents the culmination of all the deployments, training, education and leadership experience I've accumulated to this point.

These are my tasks

I advise the Commander on matters relating to all the non-commissioned members in Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE). I also advise on all matters relevant to the Corps, using my experience and knowledge gained to this point in time.

I interact with all members of the Corps, officers and non-commissioned members alike, providing them with the opportunity to voice concerns, share ideas and offer solutions through a different network than the regular chain of command.

I advocate for strong and effective leadership in pursuit of our operational aims, all aimed towards allowing us to continue to achieve our mission.

This is what makes my job special

The Command Sergeant-Major position is unique and carries with it a vast amount of influence at all levels. Succeeding in a multinational setting, with so many varied backgrounds has provided me with a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. My main effort will continue to be the development of a professional Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Corps capable of advising commanders and leading soldiers using experience, critical thinking and ethical reasoning. NCOs as the 'backbone of an armed forces' is more than a catch phrase, it is a reality achieved when NCOs accept and embody their roles to teach, coach, mentor, shape and advise.

These are my future plans

During the first eighteen months of my mission with Multinational Corps Northeast, I have learned a vast amount about NATO, the Baltic Sea Region and our partners in defence.

I have been constantly amazed and proud of the professionalism and dedication used by all in our Command in continuing to achieve our mission.

In the latter eighteen months, once we've regained some degree of pre-COVID mobility, my intent is circulate to all our units and continue to reinforce the successes they've achieved. After that, it will be a move back to Canada, and time to hang up the boots and trade them in for a pair of golf shoes, and maybe a new guitar!

CWO Hamilton together with LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, Commander MNC NE, observe exercise Allied Spirit in Drawsko Pomorskie, Poland, June 2020.
CWO Hamilton in front of the MNC NE Headquarters during the ceremony commemorating Price Philip of Britain, April 2021.
After retiring from active duty, CWO Hamilton is planning to pursue his multiple hobbies, one of which is music.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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