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Oct 8 2021

Lieutenant colonel Brian b.: Maintaining situational awareness on NATO's northeastern flank

NATO's eastern flank: From Estonia to Hungary servicemen and women from more than 20 countries fulfil their duties every day. But what exactly are they doing there? What is their specific task? What motivates them, what drives them? In the "I'm on (my) mission" series, we would like to personally introduce a few of them to you.

This is me.

I am a 43 year old husband and father of five children. I am a Logistics Officer in the United States Army and have served for over 20 years in various assignments. Prior to my current NATO assignment I served as the battalion executive officer of the 49th Movement Control Battalion (MCB) stationed at Fort Hood Texas. While in this position, the 49th MCB deployed to Poland as part of the US Atlantic Resolve Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF). Throughout my career I have served three combat tours, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I also served one peace keeping tour in Juba, South Sudan working for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).


This is my task on deployment.

Currently, I serve as a Staff Officer in the J3, Joint Operations Center (JOC) of the NATO, Multinational Corps North East. I spend my days working with the other Staff Officers in the JOC building a comprehensive picture of the current situation. Twice a week we update the MNC NE Commander on the status of operations and current events in the Area of Operations (AOO). I really enjoy working with the other officers and NCOs in the JOC who each bring a unique perspective and help to create a complete understanding of the current situation. Working in the JOC is challenging and exciting, especially in a multinational environment. Just when you least expect it an incident will occur somewhere in one of the six countries in our AOO that demands our focus and keeps us working for hours until completion.

What makes my job here special?

I really enjoy serving in the NATO MNC NE alongside my NATO brothers and Sisters. One of the greatest benefits of this job is getting to know hundreds of skilled professionals and making friendships that will last a lifetime. I enjoy learning new ways of thinking and doing things and will complete my service here better prepared to face challenges around the globe.

These are my plans, my wishes and greetings.

For the remainder of my time here I look forward to helping to improve processes within the Corps to ensure that future MNC NE staff continues to move the ball forward. I look forward to taking a Battalion Command after this assignment and continuing my experience in this rewarding profession. Sometime in the distant future, if I get my way, you will be able to find me somewhere in middle America taking care of a small farm and spending time with my family.

I love all outdoor sports – hiking, fishing, and camping.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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