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Mar 24 2022

Major Dorota Ł.: STRATCOM - Always keeping an eye on the situation

NATO's eastern flank: From Estonia to Hungary servicemen and women from more than 20 countries fulfil their duties every day. But what exactly are they doing there? What is their specific task? What motivates them, what drives them? In the "I'm on (my) mission" series, we would like to personally introduce a few of them to you.

This is me.

I have been in the Polish Army for 12 years now. After graduation from officers' school, my first position was that of CBRN commander in a platoon of the 23rd Artillery Regiment. As a next step in my career, I attended the Training Centre for Foreign Missions to develop relevant knowledge and skills. In addition to conducting lectures on humanitarian law, I had the opportunity to deploy to Kosovo as a member of LMT (Liaison Monitoring Team) during that period. In Kosovo, my main task was to contribute to KFOR situational awareness through liaison with local institutions, international organizations and the local population. Moreover, during my assignment as a CIMIC planner at MND-NE, I was responsible for tasks related to civil-military cooperation. Since 2019, I have been gaining knowledge in the field of strategic communications (StratCom) at HQ MNC NE.


This is my task on deployment.

As a planner in the StratCom division, I contribute to all stages of the planning process through the integration of information activities. This includes the planning of NATO messaging and information campaigns in order to achieve the desired perception, attitudes and behaviour among MNC NE audiences in the Baltic Sea Region.

What makes my job here special.

Duty in MNC NE's StratCom division allows me to better understand the key role of "Information & Messaging" in the military environment and to obtain an answer to the question of how military units can be successful in this domain. Additionally, HQ MNC NE as a multinational headquarters provides a unique atmosphere of service. Diversity and openness to others have a positive effect on the quality of work and contribute to building a healthy atmosphere in a team in which all opinions are appreciated and considered. Cultural and national diversity also help to think outside the box and view tasks in a creative way.


These are my plans, my wishes and greetings.

Serving in MNC NE's StratCom division motivated me to broaden my knowledge and improve my qualifications in the information domain. Therefore, I am currently pursuing postgraduate studies in geopolitics and geostrategy to learn modern methods and techniques of geostrategic analysis, geopolitical risk analysis and analysis of information threats in the cognitive sphere. On the other hand, I do not know how long I will be in the army, but I am certain that I would like to open the next chapter in my life as a volunteer in some part of the world. There is nothing more beautiful than helping someone in need, and this was one of the reasons why I became a soldier….

Nature always ensure a great mood…


Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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