Having completed “Saber Strike 2017”, Multinational Corps Northeast confirmed its 24/7 readiness to command and control NATO high-readiness forces if deployed to north-eastern Europe. From now on, Multinational Corps Northeast serves as a rapidly deployable High-Readiness Forces Headquarters and is on permanent stand-by to take the lead in combat operations across the north-eastern flank of NATO as a Land Component Command.
“We have reached the high expectations that our nations and NATO have placed upon us. This is a major step towards enhancing regional security. We are focused on the north-eastern flank of the Alliance but ultimately we are here in Szczecin for the security of the whole NATO.” – Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, the Corps’ Commander, said on the occasion.
The Corps’ Headquarters is fully equipped, manned and trained to provide a credible deterrence to agression and contribute to Allied collective defence should the need arise. Throughout the final Combat Readniess Evaluation, our staff have demonstrated their ability to not only command and control 5 divisions and 20 support units which the Alliance can subordinate to Headquarters Multinational Northeast but also to plan, organise and coordinate land operations within a joint operations area.
“This readiness provides deterrence through resililient and relevant forces that are trained to synchronize tactical effects, strengthening not only the Alliance, but our Partners too. Multinational Corps Northeast has accomplished what speaks volumes – the ability to project greater stability for NATO that will garner the positive effects for all of us.” – Lieutenant General Darryl W. Williams, Commader of the Alliand Land Command (LANDCOM), stated when referring to the Combat Readiness Evaluation conducted by LANDCOM.
The Corps’ transformation results directly from the decisions made at the Wales and Warsaw Summits in 2014 and 2016. It is one of the measures taken by the Alliance in order to boost commitment to shared responsibility for the peaceful future of NATO members in the East.
“We need to be strategic and coherent in our approach to defending our citizens.” – Lieutenant General Leszek Surawski, Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, emphasized – “Now is the time for the Alliance to remain strong. I am confident that through the strength of our partnerships and with the professionalism of our service members we will ensure that Europe remains whole, free and at peace.”
“The last two years have demonstrated that the Alliance is capable to rapidly adapt to face the new security challenges.” – General Salvatore Farina, Commander of the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, followed.
Having proven its readiness to promptly transition from peace through crisis to conflict, Multinational Corps Northeast has become the main guarantor of stability in the region joining together NATO forces deployed to north-eastern Europe.