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Feb 14 2017

Intelligence Concepts

More than 100 officials from across NATO, including SHAPE, JFC Brunssum and LANDCOM, took part in the Intelligence Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) Drill held in the Baltic Barracks between 7th and 9th February. The event brought together a number of high-ranking experts to work on how Intelligence should be gathered and shared, especially in the framework of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP).  

Since stability in Europe has once again become hugely relevant, it is understandable that deterrence and collective defense is one of the highest priorities on NATO’s agenda. Looking to the East of the Alliance, it is the Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) that holds detailed and expert knowledge of this geo-strategically sensitive region.

Our knowledge and products are known and appreciated in NATO.

It was, therefore, our initiative to gather under the same roof all of the most important Intelligence officials and discuss the recent changes to the security environment.

The idea was to collect as many Intelligence personnel, Subject-Matter Experts (SME) and decision-makers as possible to build up an agreement on some key issues that must be finalised prior to the eFP troops are fully deployed in north-eastern Europe.” – said Colonel Cezary Róg, Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS), J2 Division.

The event brought together a number of high-ranking experts to work on how Intelligence should be gathered and shared, especially in the framework of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP).

Within the Corps’ Area of Operations (AOO) alone, there will be four multinational Battle Groups made up of some 1,000 soldiers led by the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Canada and contributed by several other Allied countries. Importantly, many of their Intelligence experts have attended the ROC Drill in Szczecin.

It is essential that all the nations in the region, as well as those sending their troops here, are able to share Intelligence so that we have one common operating picture and can best prepare the troops on the ground for any eventuality.” – stated Brigadier General Frank Tate, Deputy Chief Of Staff Operations (DCOS OPS).

Intelligence Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) Drill held in the Baltic Barracks.
In this respect, the role of Intelligence officers is vital. It is their responsibility to collect and analyse all available information about potential threats.

We have come to the consensus on how we want to work Intelligence sharing. It was a very collegial event. – emphasized General Tate – Of course, all nations maintain their own sovereignty but we all recognize that we are much stronger together.

As a regional expert, HQ MNC NE has been actively participating in developing NATO’s overall Intelligence concept to be able to meet ongoing and anticipated requirements, regarding all actions carried out by the Alliance along its north-eastern border.

Our knowledge and products are known and appreciated in NATO.” – summarized Colonel Róg.


Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Public Affairs Office
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin