Looking back at almost three years of participation in MNCNE, what is your view on this cooperation?
Starting with political background, for many years we have had two cornerstones in Swedish security policy – neutrality and no alliances. It was the year 2009 when the decision was in the parliament that we shall build security together with other nations and organisations. As you know, we are not a member of NATO, but we are looking for cooperation in different bilateral agreements and also to different organisations. So this is one way for us to fulfill the political will to increase the possibility to have better understanding of different regions and different countries and to work closely with them. This is a way to achieve the political will.
Major General Berndt Grundevik, the Deputy Commander of Swedish Armed Forces Joint Forces Command, paid a visit to the Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE).
MNCNE is going to be a Headquarter for High Readiness Forces. What do you expect from this certification?
When you look at the map of the Baltic region, Sweden has basically the same interest of areas as you have. You have the NATO Northeast flank and it’s almost the same as the Swedish Eastern flank. I can foresee that the increased readiness and the enhanced Forward Presence has balanced what’s happening in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus etc. That’s one way of having better understanding and, hopefully, keeping the tension down. You come up with the readiness which can counter also what’s happening on the Russian side. So I’m positive about the development.
Are there any thoughts of expanding this cooperation with MNCNE?
We will try to deepen the cooperation, maybe to have more exchange on the J-head-level – between the different J branches. Hopefully, we can develop that type of cooperation. We are also very glad to have an officer here.