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Oct 12 2017

Standing Together

On the 9th – 11th of October, Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, the Commander of Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), chaired the 5th MNC NE Commander‘s Conference with NFIU Commanders. The seminar was held in Bratislava (Slovakia) and served as a platform for the discussion of NFIUs´ way ahead. 

Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, the Commander of Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), chaired the 5th MNC NE Commander‘s Conference with NFIU Commanders.
The establishment of the NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) marks a significant step in developing NATO´s policy of extended deterrance and shared responsibility for ensuring security in Europe. Therefore, the participants of the conference discussed the growing importance of these small liaison headquarters, especially in reference to all the recent undertakings authorised by NATO in its eastern borderlands.

The year 2017 is special because of the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups.“ – General Hofmann said. – „Both MNC NE and NFIUs are supporting the eFP in all means necessary. From logistics and training to information exchange and fostering of coherent defence planning.“

The seminar provided a clear and aligned understanding of NFIUs´ role. A great many of subject matter experts and stakeholders exchanged their views on how NFIUs can assist Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast in strenghtening stability in the region. NFIU Slovakia (NFIU SVK), just like its five sister-headquarters spread along the Alliance’s eastern border, serves the primary purpose of NATO – securing the people of northeastern Europe against any threat that could affect the European democratic order

NFIU Slovakia was officially activated a year ago. In this short period of time we managed to accomplish a variety of tasks, such as creating the working links at all levels and participating in international and Slovak expercises.“ – Colonel Jozef Zekucia, the Commander of NFIU SVK emphasized. – „All NFIUs together demonstrate the strength of the transatlantic bond.

The six NFIUs – Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia – are fully operational to prepare the ground for the NATO Response Force if need be. Set up in reaction to the new secuirity challenges, they boost ties between the Alliance – through Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast – and the countries they reside in, both in times of peace and crisis.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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