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Apr 4 2018

At the Core of Security

On 3 April, General Curtis Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), visited Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE). He met with the soldiers and flag officers to discuss the importance of their mission in the challenging security environment of the Baltic Sea region.  

It was the first visit General Scaparrotti paid to the Szczecin-based command, which raised its readiness level from low to high in June 2017 and became a core reinforcement of NATO’s rapid reaction capability as well as a key guarantor of stability in the region. When addressing the staff, SACEUR praised the work HQ MNC NE has been doing to keep the nations of NATO’s northeast safe as the only headquarters with a comprehensive understanding of this challenging area at full operating capability:

You are an important part of what NATO does in ensuring that we have got Europe whole, free and in peace.

What you do is so important to NATO and to this region. Each one of you should take a great pride in what you have accomplished over the past couple of years.” – stated SACEUR – “You are an important part of what NATO does in ensuring that we have got Europe whole, free and in peace. You are really at the core of our security.” 

General Curtis Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), visited Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE).

General Scaparrotti also emphasized the role of HQ MNC NE in NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) initiative. It has been a year since the Alliance deployed four multinational Battle Groups of about 1,000 soldiers each to the Baltic States and Poland. Together, they demonstrate the expression of modern-day NATO’s continuing resolve and its jointed capabilities to give a unified response to any aggressive action.

The eFP Battle Groups have been integrated into their host-nation’s brigades and attached to the chain of command that follows throught Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast, Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.

That is a connected multi-domain. That is a joint force and it is operating every day to ensure security in this region.” – said General Scaparrotti – “It is a deterrent force and it is one that is in place today largely because of the leadership that your Commander and this unit provide as well.”

When addressing the staff, SACEUR praised the work HQ MNC NE has been doing to keep the nations of NATO’s northeast safe as the only headquarters with a comprehensive understanding of this challenging area at full operating capability.

Bringing his remarks to a close, SACEUR stressed that the Baltic Sea region remains to be a complex and challenging environment. He also emphasized that in these fluid security circumstances HQ MNC NE represents the values that NATO has always sought to protect and promote.

“We have got to continue to give our best. What makes NATO the strong alliance is the men and women standing around me here today. It starts with you. So thank you for your service and thank you for all that you do that make us strong.” – concluded General Scaparrotti.


Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Public Affairs Office
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin