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Oct 1 2018

Chairman of NATO Military Committee in Szczecin

On 27 September, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, started his visit to Poland with meeting with the leadership of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE). While in Szczecin, ACM Sir Peach has highly praised the Corps’ commitment to safeguard the security of NATO’s north-eastern nations.  

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach of the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces has been chairing the NATO Military Committee since 29 June 2018. The Committee is the senior military authority in the Alliance. At the highest level, it comprises of the Chiefs of Defence of all 29 member states while its daily activities are carried out by their permanent military representatives based in Brussels. The Committee serves as the primary source of military advice to the North Atlantic Council. It works closely with the two Strategic Commanders (SACEUR and SACT) to bring forward plans, issues and recommendations for political consideration.

I have complemented the Corps Headquarters, the Command Group, the people I have met on their passion, determination and commitment to demonstrate Allied solidarity. – said the Chairman.

While in Szczecin, ACM Sir Stuart Peach took part in a variety of discussions hosted by HQ MNC NE’s military leadership. During their talks, the Chairman and LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, Commander MNC NE, focused on the role of the Corps as the only command with a comprehensive understanding of the Baltic region in enhancing NATO’s readiness and responsiveness, particularly across the above mentioned area. 

While in Szczecin, ACM Sir Peach has highly praised the Corps’ commitment to safeguard the security of NATO’s north-eastern nations.

ACM Sir Peach also highlighted that the Corps’ Area of Operations, embracing Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, has been of huge importance to NATO and witnessed a clear demonstration of the Alliance’s resolve and agility, especially with the deployment of the enhanced Forward Presence multinational Battle Groups:

Of course, in addition to the mere presence, the valuable opportunity to demonstrate interoperability, to train and exercise together is vital to the Alliance and its message of unity to offer collective defence to the people of 29 nations.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, started his visit to Poland with meeting with the leadership of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE).
Upon departure, ACM Sir Peach offered his support from the perspective of the Military Committee for the mission HQ MNC NE has been carrying out as a High Readiness Force Headquarters in the Baltic region. He expressed his conviction that all the recent undertakings authorized by NATO in its north-eastern peripheries contribute to making this part of Europe more secure.

Later the same week, the Chairman participated in the NATO Military Committee meeting in Chiefs of Defence format in Warsaw.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin