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Sep 26 2018

Continuous Responsibility

The NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Poland rotated commanders and responsibility for the mission in the change of command ceremony on 20 September in Bemowo Piskie, north-eastern Poland. 

The NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Poland rotated commanders and responsibility for the mission in the change of command ceremony on 20 September in Bemowo Piskie, north-eastern Poland. U.S. Army LTC Timothy Wright of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment has relinquished command to LTC Donny Hebel of the 287th Armored Cavalry Regiment. “I am fully confident that my team is ready for the challenge.” – the new commander stressed while taking over. He also emphasized that safeguarding the Alliance’s north-eastern territory within the framework of the enhanced Forward Presence is one of the most important deployments of the U.S. Army in Europe.

The transfer of authority has concluded the 2nd Cavalry Regiment’s eighteen-month service in Poland, with one of its squadrons providing the Battle Group’s leadership, staff and the majority of ground combat forces.

We have achieved credible deterrence and we are fully prepared to defend NATO’s interests and those of the Baltic States and Poland in the face of any aggression.” – said LTC Timothy Wright, the outgoing commander.

Change of Command

We were humbled to receive this mission – one that was and is vital to the security of so many.” – stated LTC Wright – “None of this would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Allies. I could have not asked for better partners.”


Getting the eFP Battle Groups on the ground is a visible declaration of unity made by NATO and its members. The enhanced Forward Presence provides robust multinational support in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. The eFP Battle Groups have been integrated into their host nations’ brigades and will be functioning under a common division headquarters (Multinational Division North-East) established in the city of Elbląg in Poland, once it becomes fully operational at the end of 2018. From there, the chain of command leads up to Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast as the highest level of NATO leadership in the region.

New Commander

The multinational nature of the mission creates interoperability and strengthens the allegiance.” – said COL Mark Hollis, ACOS JFIT MNCNE, who attended the ceremony – “Together we can deter our adversary and maintain peace in Europe. Freedom is not free and I am proud of the Soldiers willing to put their lives on the line to safeguard our common values.”


Each battalion-sized Battle Group is comprised of multinational forces provided by framework nations (Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States) and other contributing Allies on a rotational basis. The eFP Battle Group Poland functions within the structures of the 15th Polish Mechanized Brigade and is based on American, British, Romanian and Croatian troops.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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