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Dec 3 2018

NFIU's contribution

On 30 November, Major General Urlich Hellebjerg, Deputy Commander Multinational Corps Northeast, visited NATO Force Integration Unit Poland (NFIU Poland) and its commander Colonel Artur Bogowicz. The General concluded the day with a meeting at the Polish Armed Forces Operational Command.

All the NFIUs are significant enablers of the mission assigned to Multinational Corps North East

While in Bydgoszcz where NFIU Poland is located, the two commanders discussed the Polish-run exercise “Anakonda 2018”. There were 12 000 troops in Poland and 5 000 across the Baltic States participating in the Live Fire Exercise phase on 7-16 November. Currently, the Command Post Exercise part is under way with Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) acting as Land Component Command. As emphasized by General Hellebjerg, HQ MNC NE is the guardian of regional security across the north-eastern borderlands of NATO.

Additionally, the General was updated on the latest developments within NFIU Poland. The unit, together with its five sister headquarters in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary, provides HQ MNC NE with its expertise and insight in the region. It is tasked to facilitate the rapid deployment of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) and other NATO’s Response Force (NRF) elements to Poland. All the NFIUs are significant enablers of the mission assigned to Multinational Corps North East.

Major General Urlich Hellebjerg, Deputy Commander Multinational Corps Northeast, visited NATO Force Integration Unit Poland (NFIU Poland) and its commander Colonel Artur Bogowicz.
Later the same day, General Hellebjerg visited the Polish Armed Forces Operational Command in Warsaw for a variety of discussions about “Anakonda 18”. The Polish Operational Command together with the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum has taken on the role of Exercise Control (EXCON). As HQ MNC NE has provided a number of personnel for EXCON, the visit served as an opportunity to deepen coordination in this area.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin