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Jun 11 2018

Seized Opportunities

As “Saber Strike 2018” has entered the field phase, Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast, summarizes its Command Post part which was conducted by our personnel deployed to Latvia. “We further developed our capabilities and fostered cooperation with U.S. Army Europe” – says the General.

What were HQ MNC NE’s main lines of effort for “Saber Strike 2018”?

First of all, we have focused on training ourselves to integrate the newcomers, as we have recently had a significant rotation of personnel. Secondly, we have fulfilled our mentor role for Multinational Division North East. Certainly, there is a need to have a two-star level headquarters in our Area of Operations to comprehensively complete the tasks in the region which we were given by our superiors. Last but not least, our participation in “Saber Strike” emphasizes our self-determination as well as self-awareness of our high-readiness status, which is a great commitment to NATO and our nations.

As “Saber Strike 2018” has entered the field phase, Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast, summarizes its Command Post part which was conducted by our personnel deployed to Latvia.

What are our most important takeaways out of this year’s “Saber Strike”?

As we always pay a lot of attention to adaptation and consolidation, it was important for us to act in a commanding role out of the Initial Command Element. Our new Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, BG John Novalis, has checked what tools he has at his disposal under field conditions. Equally important, we have fostered our cooperation with U.S. Army Europe. They are a huge training enterprise in our Area of Operations so I find a good working relationship with our Allies from across the Atlantic to be essential. U.S. Army Europe has given us the opportunity to use “Saber Strike” as a Command Post Exercise prior to the field training. It has also been an excellent opportunity for us to create a mentoring platform for Multinational Division North East and further develop our own command and control capabilities.

It has not been our first participation in “Saber Strike”. What is next when it comes to exercising in a big multinational framework?

What I am specifically looking forward to for the coming years is creating our own, so to say, exercise umbrella, because NATO – which in the Baltic region means HQ MNC NE – has to take the lead in the synchronization and organization of exercises. On the land side, it could be the series of exercises which we have called “Griffin Lightning”. In the future, it could serve as a setting similar to “Saber Strike”. This is an initial idea, yet it has already been mentioned. Of course, a change of such magnitude would have to be accepted both by our nations and by the American side. It would require talks, conferences and agreements. So far, I can see many doors being opened.

 by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin