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Feb 5 2019

CSEL Change of Responsibility

February 4, 2019 was marked by the official Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Change of Responsibility Ceremony. Chief Warrant Officer Luc Lacombe of the Canadian Armed Forces handed over to his Canadian counterpart, Chief Warrant Officer Eric Poissant. The professionalism and military experience of both soldiers were highly praised by the Commander, Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski. 

Chief Warrant Officer Luc Lacombe (left) of the Canadian Armed Forces handed over to his Canadian counterpart, Chief Warrant Officer Eric Poissant.
The ceremony concluded with the awarding of coins and certificates for soldiers and civilians who have distinguished themselves by their remarkable service.
The outgoing CSEL passed the pace stick to his successor as a symbol of the authority delegated to the Command Senior Enlisted Leader.

The position of CSEL was integrated into the structure of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast in 2018 and has been manned by the Canadian Army. CWO Luc Lacombe was the first to take up the post, which he considered a privilege and an honour. As indicated in his farewell address, the complexities of global security placed high demands on military personnel regardless of their shoulder straps or distinctions. Yet, he noted that the troops, including those deployed in the Baltic region, are predominantly made up of enlisted and other ranks; therefore their contribution should be duly recognised.

They form the backbone of an army.” — CWO Lacombe said — “We need to understand their realities, what they are good at and what they need to improve. This is exactly where the role of CSEL becomes very important.”

The CSEL provides the Commander and the Command Group with the enlisted perspective on traits and goals necessary to ensure mission success. Equally important, he or she leads the command’s efforts concerning enlisted development and engagement. Even though he or she does not carry out commanding functions, they remain an integral member of the leadership team. Information that CSEL conveys across the force structure explains and reinforces the command’s intent while providing feedback to the decision-makers.

When making his first official statement as the newly appointed CSEL, CWO Eric Poissant expressed his great satisfaction in continuing the work started by his predecessor.

I am very proud to be appointed and to have joined the team. I am looking forward to working with all of you in order to meet our challenges and be ready for our mission.” — CWO Poissant said.

Since the position of CSEL is new in the MNC NE structure, it was decided by LTGEN Wojciechowski that the associated transfer of responsibilities would – from now on – become an official ceremony conducted in front of all personnel of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast. Picking up on the old military tradition, the outgoing CSEL passed the pace stick to his successor as a symbol of the authority delegated to the Command Senior Enlisted Leader.

The ceremony concluded with the awarding of coins and certificates for soldiers and civilians who have distinguished themselves by their remarkable service.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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