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Sep 12 2019


Since 2009, September 5th has the official day for celebrating Danish deployed personnel. This includes not only soldiers, but also police, the emergency management agency and all other who have been deployed abroad on behalf of the Danish government.

The families lay flowers at the monument. Colonel K. Koch lays the wreath.

In Denmark the Royal family as well as the Parliament honors personnel deployed within the past one year with a parade and reception at the parliament in Copenhagen. Across Denmark a number of parades and memorial services are held to commemorate deployed personnel.

At HQ MNC NE the Danish contingency celebrated the day, too. 73 soldiers and their families gathered together in front of the monument for the fallen HQ MNC NE soldiers in the Baltic Barracks.

Colonel Kurt Koch spoke not only of the deployed soldier who returned from mission to participate in the parades, but of the soldiers who was wounded on either body or soul and lost their lives.

When the chaplain concluded the soldier’s prayer, Colonel Kurt Koch laid a wreath of flowers at the monument for Lieutenant Colonel Ove K. Hansen, who died in Afghanistan October 31st 2014 when deployed together with HQ MNC NE. Afterwards the families and soldiers too laid flowers in memory.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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