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Aug 14 2019

Remembering a Great Victory

On 13 August, Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) celebrated the Polish Armed Forces Day. This national holiday is traditionally held on 15 August to commemorate one of the most spectacular victories of the Polish Armed Forces – the Battle of Warsaw, the grand culmination of the Polish-Russian War in 1920.

One of the most commonly forgotten yet consequential short wars of the 20th century was the fast-evolving conflict between the newly reborn Republic of Poland and Bolshevik Russia. Reaching its boiling point during the summer of 1920, the Polish-Bolshevik War defined the European order for twenty years to come. Its decisive encounter came in mid-August 1920, when the two armies clashed in the Battle of Warsaw. In just a few days, the advancing Red Army became completely outflanked, which led to their general retreat. Militarily, the sudden counterattack by which the Polish forces routed the Russians deserves a place amongst the tactical masterpieces of history. As assessed by many historians and military analysts, the Polish victory brought an end to a Russian campaign that could have given the Bolsheviks direct and unfettered access to Western Europe.

“The symbolism of the Battle of Warsaw can be transported to all of us and our Allied community present here today.” – Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski, Commander MNC NE, said in his official address – “Back then, we were militarily supported by France and supplied by Hungary. Politically and diplomatically, we were openly supported by Estonia, Latvia, and Finland as well as through symbolic engagement by the United States.”

General Wojciechowski expressed his confidence that only the nations joined together in the Alliance were able to bring greater security for the people of Europe. “Having you all here today shows that some values are thus universal.” – he concluded.

On the occasion of this celebration, a number of soldiers were presented with medals and decorations in recognition of their exceptional service. Additionally, the ceremony saw officers and non-commissioned officers getting promoted to higher ranks. 

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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