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May 20 2019

To Be Better in the Future

From 13th to 20th of May 19, the Land Operations Planning Group (LOPG) from Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) was leading exercise Griffin Pointer 19 (GRPR19) in Latvia and Lithuania. It was a battlefield study, examining World War II operation BAGRATION.

Land Operations Planning Group (LOPG) from Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) was leading exercise Griffin Pointer 19 (GRPR19) in Latvia and Lithuania.
The exercise GRPR19 was a beneficial study of history battles conducted during the World War II in current MNC NE Area of Operation.
The focus was on the BAGRATION operation conducted in Latvia (LVA) and Lithuania (LTU) in July and August 1944
Antakalnis Cemetery with Polish soldiers' graveyard in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The aim of the exercise GRPR19 was simple – to deliver a high quality and intellectually challenging training that delivers real value to LOPG members and participants from partner headquarters. In designing the exercise, we decided to focus on the BAGRATION operation conducted in Latvia (LVA) and Lithuania (LTU) in July and August 1944”, said Colonel Witold Kudryk, Assistant Chief of Staff J5.

For a few days, HQ MNC NE LOPG team with support of the history experts from Staff Ride Ltd which specialises in Battlefield Study for the military and invited guests analyzed defensive operations in Daugavpils (LVA) and Vilnus (LTU) as well as operations south of Vilnus leading to the crossing of the River Neman. “The operation BAGRATION and decisions taken by Germans and Russians in Latvia and Lithuania in summer 1944 had a significant impact on the situation on the Eastern Front of the World War II. The lesson from this operations – terrain and tactical aspects as well as force ratio analysis – would be readily applicable to current planning challenges both with regard to exercise as well as real life”, said Lieutenant Colonel Alan Sweeney, Officer Primary Responsible for GRPR19.

The exercise GRPR19 was a beneficial study of history battles conducted during the World War II in current MNC NE Area of Operation. “l am convinced that exercise GRPR19 was very fruitful. It set conditions to achieve our aim. However, essential ingredients to fully achieve the potential of GRPR19 would be individual commitment, study and engagement for each LOPG member”, Colonel Kudryk summed up the exercise.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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