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 Apr 29 2019

Valuable Lessons in Latvian

Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast deployed its mission-tailored Operational Liaison and Reconnaissance Team (OLRT) to Latvia, from 23 to 26 April for an exercise together with NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia (NFIU Latvia). Activity like this is crucial for maintaining situational awareness of the environment of the north-eastern region of NATO.

OLRT is a cross-functional team of subject matter experts from various branches of the Headquarters, designed to deploy in advance of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF). Before they depart they are given various requests and upon arriving in the destination they must find answers and solutions to them. Requests are always connected to the movement of troops and supplies into the country.

Lieutenant Colonel Wege, MNC NE’s OLRT Team Leader highlighted that “it is crucial to perform such deployment in order to train all the necessary procedures”. LTC Wege also added that this OLRT deployment was unique because it also supported a critical yet usual evaluation of the NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia. “It was very successful. NFIU is highly prepared for various tasks they might receive. They have delivered data required by our team and what is also important they are deeply embedded in the national [Latvian] Joint Headquarters”.

OLRT travelled around the country and completed a series of recces of air ports, roads and infrastructure. Team inspected Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital which is one of the largest University Hospitals among the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Being such it enables significant support to NATO units in Latvia and the whole region.

Multinational Corps Northeast Deputy Commander, Major General Ulrich Hellebjerg and OLRT members also conducted key leader engagements with administrative and political leaders. Among them, was team of NATO STRATCOM Centre of Excellence led by centre’s Deputy Director Colonel Peter Tali and delegation from Latvian Ministry of the Interior represented by State’s Secretary Mr Dimitrijs Trofimovs.

Lieutenant Colonel Salmon, of MNC NE’s J9 (Civil-Military Co-operation Division) concluded that OLRT deployment [is about] “having face to face contact with Latvian decision makers on the civil side which is necessary to deepen trust and to foster working relations.”

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

Multinational Corps Northeast Deputy Commander, Major General Ulrich Hellebjerg and OLRT members also conducted key leader engagements with administrative and political leaders.
DCOM MNC NE met with NATO STRATCOM Centre of Excellence led by centre’s Deputy Director Colonel Peter Tali.

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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