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Dec 10 2020

Aligning the effort

SZCZECIN, Poland "This conference serves as an effective tool to further develop and share our detailed expertise of the region," is how GEN Jörg Vollmer summarized the 4th MNCNE Commander's Conference. On this occasion, the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum's (JFCBS) Commander, who attended the meeting virtually, talked with us about his current and upcoming plans. He also expanded on the role of Multinational Corps Northeast (MNCNE) in bracing the structure of European security.

Sir, from your point of view, what is the main value of Multinational Corps Northeast Commander's Conference? How can Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum benefit from it?
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the dedication of the Multinational Corps Northeast (MNCNE) staff. On top of that, I sincerely appreciate the hard work of MNCNE together with all the sub-units down to the Battle Groups. This year, we faced an unprecedented pandemic but despite its consequences we can all be very proud of the results that have been achieved. I am truly impressed by the professionalism that all personnel within JFCBS’s area of responsibility have maintained, which has led us to remain operational under these challenging conditions. In all circumstances, the MNCNE Commander’s Conference is a great enterprise, and it provides a unique platform to demonstrate our common commitment.
This conference offers a broad overview on the most relevant developments across the Baltic Sea region.

It is crucial that we meet with all of the respective commanders on a regular basis around the same table: be it physically or online. The conference serves as an effective tool to further develop and share our detailed knowledge and expertise of the region. It is a great opportunity to better align our common efforts to achieve our objectives.

What are your key principles when it comes to cooperation with Multinational Corps Northeast as Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum's subordinate unit?
As a High Readiness Force Land Headquarters, HQ MNC NE is widening its scope of responsibility to a full 360 degrees in deterrence and defence within the Baltic region. HQ MNC NE acts both as a Regional Land Component Command and as a warfighting corps. It is on permanent stand-by to take the lead in combat operations across the Northeastern flank of NATO. Multinational Corps Northeast is able to offer a huge contribution in order to plan and operate for collective defence purposes under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. The proven ability to Command and Control, the key role in Training and Exercise and taking the lead in regional Knowledge Development shows the true value of Multinational Corps Northeast as a headquarters with focus on a specific and defined area. A headquarters that serves these goals is a crucial necessity and a vital cornerstone for defence of NATO’s Northeastern flank. It is a practical illustration of how to ensure security across the Baltic Sea region. In a nutshell –

HQ MNC NE is our key unit in the Baltic Sea region

in the continuum from vigilance through crisis to war. It is NATO’s true custodian for regional security.

General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
Photo by JFCBS

As far as the Baltic region is concerned, what are the most important objectives to be achieved during your time in command of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum?
NATO has enhanced its presence in Northeastern Europe by deploying four multinational battlegroups to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland on a rotational basis. These battlegroups are led by the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and the United States. They are tailored, multinational and combat-ready, demonstrating the resolve of the transatlantic Alliance. Their presence sends clear and strong signals. It is assuring the leadership and populations in the Northeastern part of Europe, and it underlines that an attack on one Ally will be considered as an attack on all Alliance member states.

During the recent exercise Brilliant Jump, NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force has proven its ability to react immediately during the deployment phase and to be ready for employment throughout the region. I witnessed personally how Polish, Spanish, Czech and Lithuanian soldiers were able to accomplish their goals, even under the restricted COVID circumstances.

I am looking forward to my tenure as the Commander JFCBS.

I will encourage all members of our NATO family to continue pave the way for enhancing our deterrence and defence. Preventing conflicts and preserving peace on our Eastern flank remains a collective effort and requires effective collaboration. Our efforts and presence are highly appreciated by the citizens of the Baltic Sea region, as I have noticed throughout all my visits.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Public Affairs Office
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin