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Nov 6 2020

Brilliant Jump 20

PABRADE, Lithuania - On November 6, NATO concluded its main annual exercise for the Alliance’s quick reaction force. 'Brilliant Jump 20' tested NATO’s logistics and its ability to respond and move the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force quickly in the event of a crisis. Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) was responsible for conducting the Reception, Staging and Onward Movement (RSOM) of arriving units.

Planning for the exercise, which entered its final phase on October 28, began in mid-2019. Carried out under the umbrella of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, 'Brilliant Jump' has been designed to demonstrate the readiness and mobility of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. 2,500 soldiers and 600 vehicles were deployed to Lithuania using air, ground and maritime resources. This year, the core of NATO's flagship 'spearhead' is formed by the Polish 21st Podhale Rifles Brigade and reinforced by the Czech and Spanish battalions.

Shifting thousands of troops from one place to another is an immense and complicated task. "The entire RSOM process is subdivided into a number of several activities," indicates LTC Rene Srock from MNC NE J4 Division. The coordination of all efforts was ensured by the NATO Force Integration Units placed in Poland and Lithuania. They provided the link to their respective military and civilian environments. This way, the RSOM Command in Szczecin had the much needed Situational Awareness to focus Host Nation Support, adjust Movement Plans and support the security for the different phases and locations of RSOM.

The biggest challenge is to move forces under peace time regulations among normal civilian traffic. All movements must be meticulously and timely coordinated, said COL Miroslav Heger, Chief RSOM MNC NE.

Regardless of where RSOM is conducted, main providers of services are Host Receiving Nations with their military and civilian capabilities. Therefore, successful execution of the RSOM process is a good illustration of NATO's cohesion, interoperability and readiness to react swiftly in an emergency.

'Brilliant Jump 20' saw the Lithuanian officials and Allied leaders, including Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski (COM MNC NE) and General Joerg Vollmer (COM Allied JFC Brunssum), visiting the participating troops at the Pabrade range. As emphasized by the Commander of Multinational Corps Northeast, the exercise enhanced our defensive posture and collective capability to deploy necessary units anywhere across the Baltic Sea Region.

POL 21st Podhale Rifles BDE deploying to Lithuania
Photo by 21st PRB
POL 21st Podhale Rifles BDE deploying to Lithuania
Photo by 21st PRB
POL 21st Podhale Rifles BDE deploying to Lithuania
Photo by 21st PRB
LTG Wojciechowski (COM MNC NE) in Pabrade
Photo by JFC Brunssum
COL Heger (Chief RSOM MNC NE) at the Szczecin Headquarters
Photo by MNC NE
RSOM cell at the Szczecin Headquarters
Photo by MNC NE

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin