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Sep 29 2020

Collaboration Across Security Domains

From the left: LTG Wojciechowski, MG Kramer and BG Drumowicz

STARGARD, Poland – On Sept. 28, LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (COM MNCNE) and BG Sławomir Drumowicz (COM Polish Special Operations Component Command) signed a cooperation agreement in order to increase cross-domain synergy in the Baltic Sea region.

The document will further cement the already existing defence and security partnership between the two Commands, including by enhancing mutual capabilities through joint training and knowledge development. Additionally, the agreement looks at ways of strenghtening collaboration on operations planning and sharing of common situational awareness. The event was attended by MG Jeffrey P. Kramer, DCOS OPS Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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