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 Jul 1 2020


On Jun 23-24, Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast, conducted a battlefield circulation to subordinate and partner units throughout Poland. The General met with leaders and soldiers in order to continue to bolster partnerships across the Baltic region.

LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, COM #MNCNE touring POL 18th Mechanized Division #18DZ JUN 24, 2020 — in Siedlce
LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, COM #MNCNE touring POL 18th Mechanized Division #18DZ
JUN 24, 2020 — in Siedlce

The Commader started his tour by visiting the U.S.-led enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup to review their culminating exercise "Bull Run 12". It was designed to provide multinational participants with high-level training, validate their combat readiness, and strengthen the response capabilities necessary to ensure regional stability. The exercise involved both the eFP battlegroup and their parent unit - the Polish 15th Mechanized Brigade.

"One of our greatest strengths as NATO Regional Land Component Command is our constant readiness. 'Bull Run 12' has proved that our forces are well-integrated, interoperable and ready at all times." - LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski said - "Acting as one, we reinforce NATO's collective defence and deterrence. Your commitment to the mission is making a lasting impact."

Additonally, the General held a series of meetings at the 18the Mechanized Division and the 18th Reconnaissance Regiment, both situated on Poland's and NATO's external border. Headquartered in Siedlce, the Division is the latest military formation within the Polish Armed Forces. While there, LTG Wojchiechowski observed intensive hands-on staff training conducted in their forward deployed Tactical Command Post.

The General emphasized how crucial it was to further enhance active cooperation and collective capabilities. Upon completion of the visit, Major General Jarosław Gromadziński, the Division Commander, stated this mutual partnership had significantly increased NATO's effectiveness throughout the entire region.

While at the 18the Reconnaissance Regiment stationed in Białystok, near the Suwałki Gap, LTG Wojciechowski was talking about the importance of situational awareness in ensuring regional security. Serving as a forward unit of the Polish Armed Forces General Command, the Regiment provides vital insights into current developments along NATO's eastern frontier. "I am very pleased to have met with you today." - the Commander said - "Our partnership makes us better prepared for any challenge that may come our way."

Summarizing his battlefield circulation, LTG Wojciechowski highlighted the relevance of the CorpsHeadquarters being closely connected with troops on the ground. "The most comprehensive knowledge can only be gained through direct observation and face-to-face dialogue." - the General added.

 LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, COM #MNCNE (right) and MG Jarosław Gromadziński, COM #18DZ (left) JUN 24, 2020 — in Siedlce
POL 18th Mechanized Division #18DZ JUN 24, 2020 — in Siedlce
LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, COM #MNCNE and COL Paweł A. Lachowski, COM 18th Recce Regt JUN 24, 2020 — in Białystok, Poland
2d Cavalry Regiment of #eFP battlegroup Poland JUN 23, 2020

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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