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Sep 9 2020

Danish Veterans day

September 5th is traditionally the Danish Veterans’ day. It is a day dedicated to celebrate the ones who have been deployed to international missions by the Danish Parliament and to commemorate the ones who died.  

Last year the Danish soldiers at Baltic Barracks celebrate the day together with their families. This year the Veterans’ day was – as many other events – affected by the COVID-19 situation. Hence the event was reduced and only soldiers were invited to the parade in front of building 38 as well as the following lunch.

All in all 24 soldiers lined up in corona-safe distance just as the otherwise pouring rain paused. Major General Ulrich Hellebjerg (Deputy Commander, Multinational Corps Noetheast) spoke of the traditions of the Veterans’ day and also about the passing of one of our Danish fellow soldiers.

Following Military Chaplain Lars Nielsen service, a wreath was laid by Major General Hellebjerg and Warrant Officer I Michael Kjeldsen at the monument in front of building 38.

Story by Danish Contingent MNC NE

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