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Oct 23 2020

Furious Axe

Ādaži, Latvia – On October 19-23, the enhanced Forward Presence Battle Groups (Estonia and Latvia) along with the 1st Estonian Infantry Brigade engaged in a number of simulated battlefield scenarios during the exercise 'Furious Axe'.

With NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia acting as the opposing force, 'Furious Axe' immersed soldiers into a combat-like environment and made them tackle tough challenges. Using a free thinking enemy increased difficulty and realism for the training troops. All participants had to adapt under contact and keep ahead of the curve.

Field exercises are the bread and butter of the enhanced Forward Presence Battle Groups, showing their readiness to act anywhere across the Baltic Sea Region at a moment's notice.

EX 'Furious Axe', photo by eFP Latvia
Ex 'Furious Axe', photo by eFP Latvia
Ex 'Furious Axe', photo by eFP Latvia

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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