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 Sep 22 2020

LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ Conference in Szczecin

On 22-23 September, high-level NATO leaders from across the NATO Land Domain participated in the 17th LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ Conference (LC3) held online from the Baltic Barracks. On location in Szczecin, Lieutenant Generals Roger L. Cloutier Jr, Commander Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), and Sławomir Wojciechowski, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), welcomed General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS), the highest ranking NATO official who attended the symposium in person.

The conference is a biannual event that brings together commanders from across the NATO Force and Command Structures in order to develop a shared vision of the role of land forces in NATO and to discuss emergent challenges. The key topics being discussed this year encompassed Land Domain Training and Exercises, Deterrence in the Land Domain, U.S. plans integration with NATO, and Air Domain integration with Land Operations. Although the conference was predominantly conducted online, expectations were at the same high level “because, ultimately, it is about NATO Land Forces’ Readiness for Deterrence and Defence,” General Cloutier emphasized the theme of the conference.

LTG Roger L. Cloutier Jr, COM LANDCOM

HQ MNC NE being the host of this edition is specifically important as the Szczecin-based headquarters acts both as a Regional Land Component Command and as a warfighting corps. General Vollmer praised HQ MNC NE’s continued commitment to enhancing the security in the Baltic Sea region. Outlining the importance of the Allied presence at the north-eastern flank, General Vollmer said: “We strongly believe that the deterrence and defence of the Alliance can only be achieved by all 30 nations together.”

GEN Jörg Vollmer, COM JFCBS

As the Regional Land Component Command, HQ MNC NE has a detailed insight into the current and planned activities of NATO’s land forces in the region with two multinational divisions and four enhanced Forward Presence Battle Groups under its command. “The Headquarters in Szczecin plays a very important role for all of us in NATO and JFCBS,” stated General Vollmer.

The Headquarters in Szczecin plays a very important role for all of us in NATO and JFCBS

Lieutenant General Wojciechowski expressed his great satisfaction in hosting the event in the Baltic Barracks for the first time. 

LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski, COM MNC NE

As emphasized by COM MNC NE, the conference served as an excellent platform for Land Domain leaders to share experiences while focusing on the same key objectives: collective readiness, rapid responsiveness and interoperability. “We will have the opportunity to discuss all the most important subjects covering our Corps’ functioning and – in a wider sense – the functioning of NATO. It is a great enterprise and a clear indication that our actions are real and of major significance,” said Lieutenant General Wojciechowski on the first day of the conference.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

17th LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ Conference (LC3)
Sept. 22, 2020
17th LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ Conference (LC3)
Sept. 22, 2020
17th LANDCOM Corps Commanders’ Conference (LC3)
Sept. 22, 2020

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin