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Feb 24 2021

Amber Bridge over the Elblag River

ELBLĄG, Poland - Soldiers from Headquarters Multinational Division North East (MND NE) took part in exercise "Amber Bridge", Battle Staff Training to improve Headquarters' skills in planning military operations.

This Battle Staff Training is an important element for the Headquarters to improve upon its Standard Operating Procedures and increased shared knowledge among the staff. 

This year we plan to participate in various exercises. To ensure we are successful we need to make sure the new soldiers to the headquarters as well as those that have been in for a while have the same baseline knowledge of how we operate as a team,

said MGEN Krzysztof Motacki, Commander MND NE. Exercise "Amber Bridge" was designed to increase the staff’s knowledge of the Division’s role in the Reception, Staging and Onward Movement, and integration of forces process. It also allowed the Headquarters to prepare for its participation in exercise "Griffin Lightning 21" in support of Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE).

As the Regional Land Component Command, Exercise "Griffin Lightning 21" is designed to train the MNC NE in planning and conducting its deterrence mission in the Baltic Sea region.

The exercises the Division's Headquarters participates in is to ensure the division can seamlessly operate within the NATO chain of command and with our two affiliated brigades, Lithuania’s Iron Wolf Brigade and Poland’s 15th Mechanized Brigade as well as the two enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups in Lithuania and Poland respectively.

Our goal as a division is for our headquarters, affiliated brigades and eFP battlegroups to train together, because you cannot surge trust by training separately. You need to build trust through realistic training so we can fight together as one division, as one team,

MGEN Motacki concluded. The main command post and tactical command post was organized by the MND  NE Command Support Regiment.

Story by Multinational Division North East Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin