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Dec 1 2021

BRIGADIER GENERAL Rycerski formally installed as Multinational Corps Northeast Chief of Staff

SZCZECIN, Poland - On 1 December, German Army Brigadier General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl relinquished his position of Chief of Staff Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE). His successor, the Polish Army Brigadier General Bogdan Rycerski assumed the position with immediate effect.

During a transfer of authority ceremony, it was highlighted how BG Stahl's military knowledge and capacity forged strong relationships with key military staffs and partners in the region, and contributed to the ongoing success of MNC NE.

The new Chief of Staff, BG Rycerski will promote this cooperation at all levels in order to maintain the well-developed trust within the Corps Headquarters as well as its extended chain of command. Prior to his current assignment, BG Rycerski served as Commander 15th Mechanized Brigade, which is the cornerstone of the Polish Army's contribution to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence. The Brigade command is responsible for the integration of the U.S.-led multinational battlegroup into the Polish Armed Forces. The Chief of Staff affirmed his commitment to building on this strong foundation in his new role at MNC NE.
BG Stahl (l.) welcomes BG Rycerski (r.) to Baltic Barracks / Photo by CPT Simon Hofmann
BG Bogdan Rycerski, Chief of Staff Multinational Corps Northeast / Photo by Karol Sito

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin