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Jul 6 2021

Command Support Brigade holds annual celebration to mark achievements and milestones

SZCZECIN, Poland – On 2 July, at the ceremony attended by LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (Commander Multinational Corps Northeast) the service members of the Corps' Command Support Brigade celebrated the unit's accomplishments and contributions to the Alliance.

Headquartered in Stargard, Poland, about 30 kilometres east of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), the Command Support Brigade (CSB) is composed of four battalions and complemented by the Polish National Support Unit. While the latter element performs its daily duties in the Corps' barracks, the battalions are stationed both in Poland (Wałcz, Bielkowo) and in Germany (Prenzlau). This makes the Brigade the only organization within the Polish Armed Forces that combines the skills and military knowledge of the two neighbouring nations.

CSB support to the Corps covers a range of fundamental services which enable the day-to-day operations of the MNC NE Headquarters and ensure its capabilities outside the garrison, both on exercises and – if need be – on operations.

Looking at you today, I feel fierce joy and pride as I have always had a complete certainty that you would accomplish all tasks assigned to you thoroughly, on time and professionally, giving your hundred percent effort, said COL Jacek Rolak of the Polish Army, the Brigade Commander, while addressing the soldiers.
Command Support Brigade service members during the unit's official ceremony / Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
COL Jacek Rolak, Commander Command Support Brigade, delivering his speech /  Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko

In his speech, COL Rolak emphasized that the past year – although challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic – had been a busy and successful one. It was marked by the Brigade personnel's active participation in a number of Allied exercises, including "Griffin Lighting 21" and "Steadfast Cobalt 21". Simultaneously, the Brigade conducted multiple internal staff trainings. At the moment, their central focus is placed on the Combat Readiness Evaluation exercise "Steadfast Jupiter 21" scheduled for autumn, which will also encompass the Corps' Headquarters.

"We are a support unit with a great potential," emphasized COL Rolak. He reminded those present that the Brigade had been constantly transforming in order to meet the demanding operational requirements of Multinational Corps Northeast. "We react to the changing circumstances by adjusting our formations' structure to the new challenges. Our soldiers develop their competence not only during training and courses but also by gaining hands-on experience at ranges and military training areas," said the Brigade Commander.

COL Jacek Rolak, Commander Command Support Bridage, and the Brigade's Polish and German sub-formations during the unit's official ceremony / Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
COL Jacek Rolak, Commander Command Support Bridage, handing out commendations during the unit's official ceremony / Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
COL Jacek Rolak, Commander Command Support Bridage, handing out commendations during the unit's official ceremony / Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko

As this was his last ceremony on the post, COL Rolak sincerely thanked the CSB service members and their families for their involvement, support and for reinforcing the sense of community.

I can assure you that the memories which you are a part of shall make up a remarkable period in my military career, and I shall recall them with fond sentiment, he stated.

Attending the ceremony in person, LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski commended the sterling work of the Commander and the soldiers as well as their strong contributions to the enhancement of the Corps' deterrence and defence capabilities. He awarded medals and honours, and personally congratulated those recognised for their outstanding service.

From the left: CWO Michael Hamilton (CSEL MNC NE), LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (COM MNC NE), MG Dariusz Parylak (COM Polish 12 Mech DIV), COL Jacek Rolak (COM CSB) / Photo by Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (Commander Multinational Corps Northeast) awarding medals and commendations during the CSB official ceremony / Photo by Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (Commander Multinational Corps Northeast) awarding medals and commendations during the CSB official ceremony / Photo by Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko
LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski (Commander Multinational Corps Northeast) awarding medals and commendations during the CSB official ceremony / Photo by Photo by st. kpr. (OR-4) Tomasz Minko

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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