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Jan 22 2021

General Jörg VOLLMER visitS NFIU Slovakia

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - On January 21, General Jörg Vollmer, the Commander of Joint Allied Command NATO (JFCBS), visited the NFIU SVK during a one-day stay in the Slovak Republic. 

The JFCBS is NATO's operational headquarters, in which the area of responsibility, where NFIUs, by NFIU SVK, also performs tasks the in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Hungary. General Vollmer was welcomed by Commander of the NFIU SVK, Col. Peter Brauner and subsequently met with the main officials of the NFIU SVK. During the briefing, the JFCBS Commander was informed about the state of the NFIU SVK operational readiness to perform the required tasks, the level of cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, as well as the implemented and planned activities. The JFCBS Commander congratulated the NFIU SVK on successful certification in October 2020, underlining that the level of assessment achieved reflects the readiness of NFIU SVK members to perform the full range of designated tasks. The afterwards discussion touched the areas and activities, the implementation of which contributes to increasing the readiness to fulfill the basic mission of the Alliance, namely to defend its member countries in the central European region on its eastern border.

Photos by NFIU Slovakia Public Affairs Office

Story by NFIU Slovakia Public Affairs Office

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