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Mar 5 2021

LANDCOM Commander in the Baltics and Poland

SZCZECIN, Poland - On March 1, LTG Roger L. Cloutier, Commander Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), concluded his tour to the Baltic states and Poland. While in the region, the General visited units forming Multinational Corps North East (MNC NE).

The LANDCOM Commander's visit encompassed Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, where the General met with the leadership of the Corps' Multinational Divisions, the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups and NATO Force Integration Units.

Having visited the Corps Headquarters twice, LTG Cloutier appreciated the opportunity to meet its subordinate formations stationed in the Baltic region. The tour served the Commander as a means to get a tangible understanding of this very portion of the Alliance, including sites of strategic importance, e.g. the Suwałki Gap.

At the conclusion of the visit, LTG Cloutier was hosted at Joint Force Training Centre (Bydgoszcz, Poland) and met with the HQ MNC NE personnel currently being deployed there for the exercise GRIFFIN LIGHTNING 21.

Allied Land Command headquartered in Izmir, Republic of Türkiye is responsible for coordinating and synchronizing NATO and Partner Land Forces by enabling land domain readiness, interoperability and standardization; on order deploys headquarters elements to provide planning, coordination, and command and control capabilities to Allied forces.

LTG Cloutier with soldiers of eFP Battlegroup Poland
LTG Cloutier and COL Gailis (COM NFIU LVA)
From the left: LTG Cloutier, MG Joks (COM JFTC) and MG Hellebjerg (DCOM MNC NE)

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin