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May 21 2021

Multinational Division North East honours fallen soldiers DURING MOTORCYCLE RIDE

ELBLĄG, Poland - On 18 May, Soldiers from Headquarters Multinational Division North East set off for a four-day veterans’ motorcycle ride to pay tribute to Polish soldiers. During the ride they will visit the graves of their fallen colleagues located in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship.  

As part of the 2nd Edition of the Veterans’ Motorcycle Rally organized by the Veteran's Center for Activities Outside the Country, several dozen motorcyclists representing Multinational Division North East (MND-NE), as well as other military units and institutions, uniformed services and civilian community from the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship linked up at MND-NE headquarters, May 18.

Among the participants, three U.S. Army soldiers assigned to MND-NE take part. Alongside their Polish colleagues, they pay tribute to those who died during missions abroad. The memory of the fallen brothers and sisters in arms crosses borders and connects soldiers from different countries.

During the inauguration of the ride, Polish Army Major General Krzysztof Motacki, Commander Multinational Division North East, said:

Two missions, Iraq and Afghanistan, had the greatest impact on our fate and on the Polish Army as well. According to estimates, almost 40,000 soldiers took part in those missions. This is a huge number. Many of them have paid the highest price - our friends who have fallen, those to whom this rally is dedicated. And it is very good that there are such initiatives like this race to remembering them. It is our duty to do so.
HQ Multinational Division North East personnel joining the rally to honour Polish veterans and fallen soldiers / Photo by MAJ Krzysztof Olkowski
MG Krzysztof Motacki, COM MND-NE, addressing the Division Headquarters personnel ahead to the rally / Photo by MAJ Krzysztof Olkowski     

General Motacki also thanked the participants of the rally: "Thank you very much for your participation, for what you are doing. I am not saying this because of my position and my rank, but above all as a veteran of the mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am saying this as one of you. This rally is great thing. I wish you good weather conditions and a good road”.

Over the four days, the riders’ route will cover Elbląg - Morąg - Ostróda - Olsztyn - Czarnia - Lipowiec - Węgorzewo - Gołdap - Orzysz - Piecki. On the way, they will visit the graves of fallen soldiers to light candles and pay tribute to those who died in missions abroad.

All in all, around 1,400 soldiers and employees of the Polish Ministry of National Defense from all types of armed forces, as well as representatives of other uniformed services, take part in the 2nd Edition of the Veterans’ Motorcycle Rally throughout Poland. They will visit more than 120 graves of fallen soldiers, located near the units in which they serve, in order to commemorate the colleagues who sacrificed their lives in the service of the homeland.

HQ MND-NE personnel during the race inauguration at the Division Headquarters in Elbląg / Photo by MAJ Krzysztof Olkowski
COL Ced Carrington, DCOS OPS MND-NE (middle), honouring a fallen soldier at a local cemetery / Photo by Agata Janik
HQ MND-NE personnel honouring a fallen soldier at the place of his burial / Photo by Agata Janik

Story by Multinational Division North East Public Affairs Office

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