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Apr 14 2021

The new edition of Baltic Amber

The new edition of “Baltic Amber”– the official magazine of Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast is–available online:

Foreword by LTG Sławomir Wojciechowski,
the Commander of Multinational Corps Northeast

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new edition of “Baltic Amber” magazine. This issue came to fruition through the hard work and perseverance of those who have been involved. The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked nearly every facet of our life. Editing a volume for publication is an accomplishment in normal years; in the circumstances of 2020, it was an incredible feat. COVID-19 has forced “Baltic Amber” to adapt in many ways, requiring new ways of communication between authors and editors. I cannot thank them enough.

What I am particularly proud of is that these challenges served as a motivation to conceive innovative ideas and concepts. As you will notice, this issue contains sixteen papers, far exceeding our previous year's contributions. The works by numerous authors from across Multinational Corps Northeast focus on cooperation between our subordinate units. And there is no better way to underline the important fact that the Corps does not only mean the Headquarters. Today it stands for much more – the Headquarters and its forces on the ground.

This “Baltic Amber” encompasses a variety of topics, analyses and arguments for you to engage with. I have to give special thanks to our friends from the Allied Maritime Command and the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade, who both offered their substantial input and knowledge. I strongly encourage all of our Allies and Partners to do the same. “Baltic Amber” is a forum for you to generate and disseminate understanding of the security environment in the north-east of NATO. Let us make this our common journal!

So please, read the articles that catch your eye or the issue in its totality. This is a space of discussion and exchange.

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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