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Apr 16 2021

U.S. V Corps Deputy Commanding General VisitS NFIU Slovakia

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - On April 15, 2021, the U.S. Army V Corps Deputy Commanding General (DCG), Major General Terrence J. McKenrick and his delegation members visited NATO Force Integration Unit in Slovakia (NFIU SVK).

During the visit COL Peter Brauner, the NFIU Commander, provided the DCG with a comprehensive briefing on current status, activities, tasks and the planned activities of NFIU SVK for the year 2021. Afterwards, MG McKenrick introduced a historical background and structure of the V Corps and their previous and recent homeland and oversea missions. The discussion highlighted the need for potential future cooperation with a focus on training, exercises and the Allied forces‘s interoperability in order to support the increase of the readiness level among all NATO Alliance members. Finally, General McKenrick thanked the NFIU Commander for a very informative briefing.
In February 2020, the U.S. Department of the Army announced the activation of an additional corps headquarters, called Fifth Corps (V Corps), which has been located in the United States at Fort Knox, Kentucky, with a forward command post located in Poznań, Poland. The primary mission of the new forward headquarters will be to conduct operational planning, mission command and oversight of the rotational forces in Europe. It will also provide additional capability to support Allies and partners in the region.

Story by NFIU SVK Public Affairs Office

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