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Mar 5 2021

Why do we exercise?

SZCZECIN, Poland - Fighting conflicts thankfully occupies very little of a military’s time; however, such is the complexity of such activities and so significant are the consequences of failure that the main focus of all military organizations is training.

Technology, tactics and capabilities are constantly developing within NATO and the situation in the region evolves over time. The rotation of personnel serving with Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE) creates a training requirement that is never complete.

MNC NE together with its subordinate and affiliated units conducts training in the most efficient way possible. A carefully developed programme begins with training and educating individuals to help develop them into highly professional, creative and adaptable soldiers and civilians.

Next is internal collective training to practise and improve working in the specialized departments which exist within MNC NE. Finally, the entire HQ participates in NATO and other multinational exercises, conducted across Poland and the Baltic States. By these means, MNC NE sustains its rapid mobility and readiness to command major military operations hundreds of kilometres from home base.

By coordinating regional exercises, MNC NE helps to ensure that the overall NATO message of being committed to defending its member states in the region is delivered in a forceful, coherent and clear way. In addition to being important training events for the participants, MNC NE training and exercise activity contributes to deterrence and the prevention of conflict – the core purpose of the HQ and the wider NATO Alliance.

These events are always a combined effort and enable MNC NE as well as its subordinate and affiliated units to work with other military and civilian organizations to test capabilities and practise working together in a demanding crisis situation. With regard to the collaboration with Air and Maritime assets, MNC NE fosters close cooperation with its sister components.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Public Affairs Office
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin