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Jun 2 2022

Commander Multinational Corps Northeast conducts Terrain Walk in Baltic States and Poland

SZCZECIN, Poland – In May, Lieutenant General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE) conducted a Terrain Walk of the Corps' Area of Operations to assess the terrain factors that apply to the cohesive defence of NATO's territorial integrity.

From the left: COL Petkevičius (COM Lithuania's Iron Wolf Brigade), LTG von Sandrart (COM MNC NE) and MG Brzuszko (COM Multinational Division North East) / Photo by CPL Hans-Peter Alzner

Accompanied by the MNC NE subordinate units' commanders and other military officials, the General visited key locations in Poland, Estonia and Lithuania. As emphasized by von Sandrart, every leader must understand their operating terrain in order to be able to use the environment to their advantage or to minimize potential weaknesses. Consequently, the walk served as an opportunity to translate overarching deterrence and defence objectives into practical instruments that work on the ground.

Our unquestionable will and ability to defend our freedom in peace and justice constitute the effectiveness of actual deterrence.

"Multinational Corps Northeast and its host nations are ready to defend NATO's territorial integrity at any time," the Commander stated. He also added that the event was extremely informative and would benefit future planning processes as the Allies continue to stand close together. Additionally, the walk allowed challenges to be addressed on the spot and provided critical face-to-face connections between the leaders.

Headquartered in Szczecin, Poland, MNC NE is the only Regional Land Component Command in the NATO Force Structure, providing deterrence and defence across the Baltic Sea region. The Corps Command was assigned responsibility for ground forces operating within the NATO framework in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. If need be, it is ready to exercise command and control over many more troops, including land elements of the NATO Response Force together with its flagship 'spearhead'. The Corps Command is fully trained to react at very short notice and take charge of Allied land operations across the Baltic Sea region.

From the left: LTG von Sandrart (COM MNC NE) and MG Palm (Estonia's Deputy Chief of Defence) / Photo by CPL Hans-Peter Alzner
Commander MNC NE with Allies during terrain walk in Poland / Photo by CPL Hans-Peter Alzner
"Multinational Corps Northeast and its host nations are ready to defend NATO's territorial integrity at any time," LTG von Sandrart, COM MNC NE / Photo by CPL Hans-Peter Alzner

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin