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Jul 7 2022

Corporal Peter R.: The opponent must feel the pain

NATO's eastern flank: From Estonia to Hungary servicemen and women from more than 20 countries fulfil their duties every day. But what exactly are they doing there? What is their specific task? What motivates them, what drives them? In the "I'm on (my) mission" series, we would like to personally introduce a few of them to you.

This is me.

I am Corporal (OR-4) Peter R., and I am 35 years old. My family and I currently live in Szczecin. I am happy that I can combine my work and my hobby. Since October 2017, I have been serving as a staff duty soldier at Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin. There, I was first exposed to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a form of martial arts which has fascinated me from day one. I began my voluntary military service at 131 Supply Battalion in Zeithain (Germany) in 2004.


This is my task

My task spectrum is diverse and involves national and international staff duties. My main task is to document the working hours of our soldiers. It makes me happy that I can use my German, English and Polish skills to help other soldiers.


This is what makes my job special

Working in an international environment every day, I have learned that sometimes it is not rank but experience that matters. I enjoy working with other nations, even more so as some of my comrades also practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We are one big family with shared goals and values.


These are my plans, my wishes and greetings.

Following the European championships in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there is only one goal left for me: the world championships in the United States. I wish my comrades, friends, fellow sports club members, family and, of course, future competitors, the best of luck, health and a lot of happiness.


Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Public Affairs Office
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin