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Jun 28 2022

HQ Multinational Corps Northeast's COMBAT engineers increase cooperation with Danish counterparts

SZCZECIN, Poland - On 21 June, Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast's (MNC NE) combat engineers visited the Danish Engineer Regiment based in Skive, Jutland.

The visit was part of an effort to strengthen the partnership between the two staffs. It served as an efficient way for Allies to interact and learn from each other with regard to capabilities, resources and units' organization.

Both combat engineer staffs met at the Engineer Regiment (Ingeniørregimentet) in Denmark / Photo by Karsten Sakariassen

Also called sappers or pioneers, combat engineers are a key function in armed forces.  In the field, they perform a variety of construction and demolition tasks under combat conditions. Such tasks typically include constructing and breaching trenches, tank traps and other fortifications, bunker construction, bridge and road construction or destruction, laying or clearing land mines, and other physical work in the battlefield. More generally, the combat engineer's goals involve facilitating movement and support of friendly forces while impeding that of the enemy.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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