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Nov 16 2022

Multinational Corps Northeast's National Support Unit welcomes new Commander

SZCZECIN, Poland - On 14 November, Lieutenant Colonel Klaudiusz Lisiak assumed command of the Polish Army-run National Support Unit (NSU). As part of Multinational Corps Northeast's (MNC NE) Command Support Brigade, NSU provides the critical support for the Corps' Headquarters allowing for the base effective functioning. 

Held at the Corps' Headquarters in Szczecin, the ceremony saw a vast number of service members representing the Command Support Brigade and HQ MNC NE. In his opening address, the unit's newly appointed Commander emphasized the importance of the NSU soldiers' daily work. Remaining mostly behind the scenes, they cover a range of fundamentals which keep the Headquarters up and running 24/7. 

Colonel Mirosław Postołowicz, Commander Command Support Brigade, precedes over the National Support Unit change of command ceremony at Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin, Poland / Photos by CPL Heiko Müller
Although often invisible and discreet, NSU's day-to-day activities are essential to sustain the full operational capabilities of HQ MNC NE as a high readiness force,

Lieutenant Colonel Lisiak said. "These outstanding results were only possible with the team's passion, involvement and effort," he added. While thanking the soldiers for their professionalism and diligence, Lisiak also stated: "I am glad that each day you prove your ability to fulfil the tasks given by the Command Support Brigade Commander and promote a positive perception of the Polish Army within the NATO community."

Lieutenant Colonel Lisiak, Commander National Support Unit, delivers his address during the National Support Unit change of command ceremony at Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin, Poland / Photos by CPL Heiko Müller

Established in April 2016 within the Corps' Command Support Brigade structure, NSU is responsible for overall base support for HQ MNC NE. The mission involves numerous activities, including the provision of the MNC NE command and control capabilities, administration, maintenance, transportation, messing management etc. 

Lieutenant Colonel Lisiak took over from Major Sławomir Bilski who was the unit's acting Commander.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin