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Oct 24 2022

Multinational Corps Northeast's Strategic Communications Division conducts regional conference in Latvia

SZCZECIN, Poland - On October 18-20, Multinational Corps Northeast's (MNC NE) Strategic Communications (STRATCOM) Division held Regional STRATCOM Conference which took place in Riga, Latvia. Communicators from across the Corps and a number of invited experts discussed emerging challenges in the Baltic region's information environment in order to ensure coordinated communications about Allied activities throughout Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

The STRATCOM Regional Conference serves as a platform for subject matter experts from the MNC NE area of operations to discuss a vast range of subject concerning communication activities in the Baltic Sea region, Riga, Latvia, Oct. 18-20, 2022  / Photos by CPL Heiko Müller

Facilitated by the Latvian Armed Forces Joint Headquarters, the conference saw representatives from Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups, the MNC NE multinational divisions, NATO Force Integration Units and national armed forces. Drawing on Allies’ communications capabilities, the participants analysed the most effective ways to highlight NATO’s continuous efforts to strengthen the deterrence and defence posture in the Baltic region. Additionally, they talked about current information activities across the northeastern flank of NATO and the importance of partnerships, which are essential to the Alliance's cohesion.

As we all know, 'one cannot not communicate', and every behaviour is a form of communication. STRATCOM is all about aligning words and deeds,

said Colonel Rafał Zgryziewicz, Assistant Chief of Staff Strategic Communications Division MNC NE. At the same time, he emphasized how important it was to have the regional subject matter experts gathered around one table. As pointed out by the Colonel, advancing the common understanding of STRATCOM's objectives will make the NATO populations more resilient to manipulative behaviours of hostile actors. Additionally, this integrated approach is key to reassure publics while emphasizing the Alliance's readiness, interoperability and defensiveness.

Colonel Gaugers, Commander LVA Mechanised Infantry Bde (right) participates in discussions during the final day of Regional STRATCOM Conference, Ādaži, Latvia, Oct. 20, 2022 / Photo by CPL Heiko Müller  
Colonel Zgryziewicz, Assistant Chief of Staff STRATCOM Division MNC NE, meets with Spanish soldiers who serve as part of NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia, Ādaži, Oct. 20, 2022 / Photo by CPL Heiko Müller

The event culminated with the field trip to Camp Ādaži, where the communicators were received by Brigadier General Lennie Fredskov Hansen, Chief of Staff Multinational Division North, and Colonel Sandris Gaugers, Commander Mechanised Infantry Brigade (LVA). In Ādaži, the Regional STRATCOM Conference attendees had the opportunity to meet with the eFP Battlegroup Latvia's soldiers who demonstrated some of their capabilities during a static display. 

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin