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May 30 2022

HQ Multinational Corps Northeast deploys Tactical Command Post to test readiness

SZCZECIN, Poland – Though the deployment of a Tactical Command Post (TAC CP), Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ MNC NE) regularly exercises its command and control capabilities. Rapid mobility is a critical function of a high-readiness forces headquarters, and contributes to the successful execution of training, exercises, and operations. Most recently, the Corps' TAC CP has been deployed to a location in the Baltic Sea region in order to test readiness and responsiveness of the Corps Command.

A Tactical Command Post is a facility containing a tailored portion of a unit headquarters designed to control elements of an operation for a limited time. Commanders employ the TAC CP as an extension of their Main Command Post (MCP). The TAC CP serves multiple roles, including controlling the overall unit's operations for a brief period when the MCP is displacing or providing a forward location for issuing orders.

Within the MNC NE structure, the Command Support Brigade (CSB) is responsible for transporting and setting up the TAC CP elements.  It is on the CSB personnel to put a command post into operation and prepare workplaces with necessary infrastructure. The same goes for providing security for the TAC CP service members, both in personal and operational terms. "Survivability is a crucial element for the TAC CP," Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Przybylski, the TAC CP Commander, says. Because of delegated tasks, the TAC CP is fully mobile and includes only essential soldiers and equipment. As emphasized by LTC Przybylski, the command post must be ready to deploy promptly at all times. Once established in theater, it maintains continuous communication with subordinates, higher headquarters, other command posts, and supporting units.

Headquartered in Stargard, Poland, the Corps' Command Support Brigade is composed of four battalions and complemented by the Polish National Support Unit. While the latter element performs its daily duties at the MNC NE Headquarters in Szczecin, Poland, the battalions are stationed both in Poland (Wałcz and Bielkowo) and in Germany (Prenzlau). This makes the Command Support Brigade the only organization within the Polish Armed Forces that combines the skills and military knowledge of the two neighbouring nations. The Brigade facilitates everything from communication and information systems through logistics, transportation, messing management and medical support to building up a wholly equipped and connected Main and Tactical Command Posts.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
Waleriana Łukasińskiego 33
71-215 Szczecin

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71-215 Szczecin