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Nov 9 2022

NATO Allies increase Maritime-Land Integration during joint exercise in Latvia

SZCZECIN, Poland — On November 1, Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) alongside forward observers from enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia and the Latvian National Armed Forces conducted a Naval Fire Support (NFS) exercise at the Šķēde range in Latvia. 

This exercise offered an excellent opportunity to bolster Joint Fires capability across Maritime and Land domains. During the exercise, the Royal Danish Navy HDMS Esbern Snare (F342) provided NFS for Latvia's land forces in a way they would not be hampered by simulated hostile fire from ashore. The Latvian and eFP Battlegroup’s forward observers sent target information to the vessel and called for fire support against simulated hostile forces. Therefore, one of the most important aspects was not just firing, but communication procedures.

The sea range in Šķēde is the only fire support range in the Baltics, providing a new location to conduct NFS exercises. As such, it offers future opportunities to build Maritime-Land Integration (MLI), which is crucial for defence of the Baltic Sea region. It gives the Latvian Forces the chance to train their soldiers in communication with naval forces and utilizing naval support. 

The Baltic Sea region is of great strategic importance to all bordering nations. Cooperation in the area is of particular interest for NATO, as six Allied and two Partner Nations border the Baltic Sea. 

The exercise saw Allied maritime and land forces working in concert to enhance interoperability and cross-domain integration / Photos by NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia and Latvian Armed Forces

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office based on release provided by NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia and NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia

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