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Jul 6 2022

NATO communicators meet in Brunssum

SZCZECIN, Poland - The Strategic Communications (StratCom) specialists from Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) and Headquarters Multinational Northeast (HQ MNC NE) teamed at the Netherlands-based joint headquarters to identify the most important StratCom objectives and formulate future plans in a face-to-face setting.

The visit allowed for information sharing between the staffs and the development of best practices within their organizations. Since JFCBS is MNC NE's higher command, the meeting served as an opportunity to discuss ways of ensuring coordinated and proactive communications activities across the Baltic Sea region. As emphasized by the participants, it is vital to sustain the alignment of effort throughout all StratCom functions so that members of the public understand the Alliance's policies and actions. It was also underscored that the key to NATO's communications is to comprehend the complex information environment the two headquarters operate in, including hostile information activities.

visit-stratcom-div-mnc-ne-(002)-NVCah1Photo by Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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Multinational Corps Northeast
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