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Jun 23 2022

NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland and Polish 15th Mechanized Brigade integrate their reconnaissance capabilities

SZCZECIN, Poland - Reconnaissance soldiers (aka scouts) with NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Poland and the Polish Army 1st Mechanized Battalion, 15th Mechanized Brigade got together for an intensive 24-hour training in order to test their physical and mental endurance, and cooperative skills.

While at the training location, soldiers carried out a wide range of reconnaissance tasks. Of the undertaken activities, a wet gap crossing was particularly important. It was performed on one-man boats in limited visibility.

During the training, the participating scouts occupied the crossing site, assessed the water obstacle taking into account its individual characteristics, such as width, depth, as well as river's current, bottom, banks, and routes for both ingress and egress.

Upon the successful completion of the crossing, the multinational personnel marched together to a safe area.

Soldiers perform a wet gap crossing during a recce training in POL / Photo by PFC Dawid Sofiński

In every military organization, reconnaissance tasks are crucial because they confirm or deny assumptions about the terrain and adversary that were made during mission analysis and intelligence preparation of the battlefield to identify opportunities and maintain agile freedom of maneuver for friendly forces.

Scouts with NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland and the Polish Army 1st Mechanized Bn, 15th Mechanized Bde test their physical and mental endurance, and cooperative skills / Photo by PFC Dawid Sofiński

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office / Provided by the Polish 15th Mechanized Brigade

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