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Aug 30 2022

NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia assists in developing combat engineer course

RIGA, Latvia — On 4-8 July, a group of military personnel attended the first iteration of Latvian Bridge Assessment Course (LBAC). Created by NATO Military Engineering Center of Excellence (MILENG COE) with the participation of NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) Latvia, the course offers the Latvian National Armed Forces (LVA NAF) effective means to accurately assess the strength of their bridges.

Due to the unique features of Latvia's bridges, LBAC complements the standard bridge assessment software. The course is designed as a train-the-trainer course. In other words, after the completion of the course students become instructors at their units . It is intended that LBAC will run annually. The first iteration's graduates represent LVA NAF (15) and the Lithuanian Armed Forces (2). As emphasized by Major Michael Mueller, the NFIU Latvia Military Engineering subject matter expert, the participants acquired skills necessary to move forces across the country safely. He also added:

To further develop their bridge assessment skills, it would be advantageous if they could partner with the NATO Battlegroups.

The long-term goal is that Latvia hosts other military engineering courses to increase its capabilities and support NATO operations. The development of the course saw the combined effort of LVA NAF JHQ, NFIU Latvia and MILENG COE.

Latvian Bridge Assessment Course, Riga, Latvia, 4-8 July 2022 / Photo by SGT Zanda Puče

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office based on release by NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia

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