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Apr 6 2023

Exercise Crystal Arrow confirms combat readiness of NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia

SZCZECIN, Poland - On March 29, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia concluded exercise Crystal Arrow 2023 with approximately 3,000 soldiers from 14 NATO nations. Held at the Ādaži military training in Latvia, this multinational training event was designed to test the combat readiness of the Canadian-led battlegroup.

The 10-day exercise was the NATO Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) for the eFP Battlegroup and measured the combat ability and integration into the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The Battlegroup was evaluated on several conditions to ensure it continues to achieve NATO standards. This means that they can operate as an efficient and capable defensive element in the region. 

Exercise Crystal Arrow 2023 is a vital part of the NATO forces activities working as one — with local, allied, and regional forces in the region. As nations come together, the importance of interoperability, efficient tactical operations, and joint command and control of multiple units is paramount to provide an effective and strong defensive force.

As the framework nation for NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia, Canada continues to lead the Battlegroup, and ensure it remains ready to defend the region against any aggression by adversary forces. "I am very proud of the outstanding work that we saw from all participants in exercise Crystal Arrow 2023," Lieutenant Colonel Craig Higgins, Commanding Officer NATO eFP Battle Group Latvia, said. "We not only demonstrated that the Battlegroup maintains a high state of readiness, be we also showed that the training and exercises we have been conducting together us increased the Battlegroup’s ability to work together.

Although our NATO presence in Latvia is defensive in nature, and we remain dedicated to preserving peace and avoiding unnecessary conflict, we remain read to act at a moment’s notice when called upon.
Exercise Crystal Arrow displayed the strength and commitment of NATO and showcased some of the best firepower and combat weapons the Alliance has to offer © NATO eFP Battlegoup Latvia

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office based on release by NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia

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