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Mar 23 2023

NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia proceeds with Combat Readiness Evaluation

SZCZECIN, Poland - Having completed their preparation exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia has kicked off exercise Crystal Arrow 23, which will serve as a Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) test for this Canadian-led unit comprising multiple NATO Allies.

During this capstone exercise held at the Camp Ādaži military training area in Kadaga, Latvia, NATO’s eFP Battlegroup Latvia will confirm the efficiency of the multinational unit in conducting combat manoeuvres with Allied troops within the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade. 

Crystal Arrow was preceded by exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike, which integrated all elements and functions of the Battlegroup ahead of the CREVAL test © NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia

As emphasized by the Battlegroup Commander Lieutenant Colonel Craig Higgins, lessons learned from both defensive and offensive operations on exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike will be invaluable during Crystal Arrow: "For Exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike we focused on elements where we could improve, rather than what we were already effective at. Each company is proficient in their own tactical manoeuvres at the company level, but the exercise was about bringing everyone together to perform and execute operations at the Battlgroup level. This was an opportunity for us to refine our Command and Control as well as interoperability among these elements," said Higgins.

It was important for us to use this time in the field well and train our ability to function together effectively. With how we were able to function as a cohesive Battle Group, I have the utmost confidence in the eFP Battlegroup to achieve our objectives heading to Crystal Arrow.

The purpose of exercise Crystal Arrow 23 is to train and evaluate the integration of the multinational eFP Battlegroup and the Danish Infantry Battalion into the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade. During the exercise, the Battlegoup service members will train in Command-and-Control procedures, operation planning and execution, offensive and defensive tactics and the integration of Allied NATO nations.

General Miglietta, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (left) tours the Crystal Arrow 23 site together with Lieutenant Colonel Higgins, Commander eFP Battlegroup Latvia (right) © NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia
Canadian soldiers with the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry perform dismounted manouvers while deployed on exercise Crystal Arrow 23 © NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office based on release by NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia

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