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Jan 26 2023

NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia enables Allied counter-mobility

RĪGA, Latvia — On January 16-17, NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) Latvia hosted a counter-mobility workshop which allowed participants to build partnerships, exchange knowledge and discuss military engineering plans specific to Latvia, including regional barrier activities of territorial forces. 

The workshop brought together around 40 military engineers and infrastructure specialists from the Latvian Armed Forces, the Canadian-led enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup, NATO entities, including Joint Force Command Brunssum, Multinational Corps Northeast, Multinational Division North and other Allied countries. 

The purpose of counter-mobility operations is to slow down an enemy's advance, increase the required time for target acquisition and to offer a compelling military advantage to the defending force. It is a key element of any defence plan. While host nations are in lead of barrier planning, NATO supports national defence planning by complementing and linking regional counter-mobility activities, which is essential in defending the whole region. 

Held by NFIU Latvia, the workshop saw close to 40 counter-mobility specialists from across NATO / Photos by Anda Bergmane 

This workshop provided a valuable forum to further develop a credible defence capability, which will play an essential role in repelling an enemy. After two day’s work, NFIU Latvia engineer Major Mueller stated: “By working together we were able to further improve the existing plan and discuss the way ahead."

We were able to improve the overall understanding of counter-mobility activities and plans in the region, clearly showing that Latvia as a NATO Ally is capable to slow down an enemy in case of an attack.

"I am also very proud of the NFIU Latvia effort to bring so many engineers around the table and provide our input in developing the plan to defend Latvia and the region," MAJ Mueller concluded.

NATO's counter-mobility specialists regularly increase their proficiency to rapidly employ obstacles in order to hinder an adversary's movement and aid in defensive operations / Photos by eFP Battlegoups (Poland, Latvia and Estonia) 

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office based on release provided by NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia 

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