The QRH is the most senior armoured regiment in the British Army. Its personnel operate the Challenger 2 main battle tanks, providing armoured strength on the battlefield.
We are proud to be leading the NATO Battlegroup in Estonia and welcome the opportunity to integrate and train with our Estonian and French colleagues,
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Wilson, the Commanding Officer of the QRH and the Battlegroup, said. "Whilst we are a tank regiment, the Battlegroup will be a combination of heavy armour, motorised infantry, mechanised infantry, anti-tank troops, artillery and engineer assets." Altogether, the British contingent in Estonia provides:
a reconnaisance squadron equipped with Warrior Armoured Fighting vehicles,
a heavy armour Squadron equipped with Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks,
a company of mechanised infantry from the 3rd Battalion, The Rifles equipped with the Mastiff Armoured Personnel Carrier,
a battery from 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery equipped with the AS90 155mm howitzer,
an armoured Squadron from 22 Engineer Regiment equipped with Bulldog Armoured Fighting Vehicles.