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Aug 22 2023

Video: Multinational exercise Furious Wolf 23 integrates Close Air Support capabilities across Baltic region

SZCZECIN, Poland – Conducted throughout August across the Baltic Sea region, the three-week multinational cross-border air exercise Furious Wolf 23 brought together Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) from NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups and numerous Allied air-crews to train calling in fires and showcase NATO's strike capabilities

Led for the first time by soldiers from the British Army's 3rd Battalion Royal Horse Artillery, the combined arms air exercise in the Baltic States saw soldiers from Belgium, Canada, Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, the UK and the US practicing the coordination of multinational close air support. 

Using air assets from host nations and the Baltic Air Police (NATO jets based in the Baltic States) JTACs proved that multinational teams can command regionally based air assets. 

The exercise, which ran across Poland, Latvia and Estonia, used F-16s and Eurofighter Typhoons. 

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Video by Forces News (UK)

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office

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