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Jan 27 2025

Soldiers from Multinational Battlegroup Poland showcase resilience during Norwegian Foot March

SZCZECIN, Poland – On December 21, soldiers assigned to NATO Multinational Battlegroup Poland participated in a 30-kilometer (18.6mi) Norwegian Foot March (NFM). Held in Bemowo Piskie, northeastern Poland, the event pushed participants to their limits, testing both their physical capabilities and mental fortitude.

Nearly 120 soldiers representing the U.S., U.K., Poland and Romania, arrived in the early morning hours to check in and weigh their rucksacks. Each soldier is required to carry a minimum of 11kg (24lb), not including their water source. Organizers assigned participants a completion time for the march based on their age group and gender. Times standards ranged from four and a half to six hours. Soldiers who complete the march under their time limit earn a bronze, silver or gold “Marsjmerket”, also known as the Norwegian Armed Forces Marching Badge, based on how many times they have completed the march.

“Doing these kinds of hard activities is important”, said NFM participant 1st Lt. Drew Newcomb, a U.S. Army combat engineer assigned to the NATO Battlegroup. 

It helps to build confidence in yourself and prepare you for real combat situations.

The Norwegian Foot March serves as a reminder of the importance of physical and mental resilience, and the unified spirit among Allied forces © Photos by Spc. Trevor Wilson

The NFM originated in 1915 to ensure combat readiness in the Norwegian military. It aimed to move large numbers of uniformed troops, with their equipment, over long distances in a short time. Nearly 110 years later, the NFM has evolved to become symbolic for testing one's physical and mental endurance among military members and civilians.

Although the event involves many participants, it focuses on personal achievement rather than competition. This opportunity to test one’s own mental and physical fortitude has drawn many people from around the world to compete in the march.

Story by Multinational Corps Northeast Public Affairs Office, courtesy of Staff Sgt. Christopher Saunders, 70th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

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